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Professor Yankwitt’s Video Annotation

  • 1) People tend to not talk about their sexual life openly because of shy they might be. This is because “our civilized world” labeled it as a sensitive topic. 
  •  2) There are 5 psychosexual stages of development;
  1. Oral stage: up to 1 year old which circulates around the area of the mouth, like a baby sucking his thumb, teething, breastfeeding, etc.
  2. Anal Stage: happens around the age of 1-3 years; more organized and put together like using the learning how to use the bathroom.
  3. Phallic Stage: Happens around the age of 3-6 years; discovering your body parts
  4. Latency Stage: Happens around the age of 5 to 6 years; everything shuts down (sexual impulses are repressed) (put that energy into hobbies)
  5. Genital Stage: happens from puberty and stays with you to adulthood; your sexual character is completely formed.

(This might sound like what you said but I didn’t how else to put it since it’s straight facts about the 5 stages)

  • 3) If these stages are not completed successfully then, you might have a fixation like biting your nails, sucking your toes, etc.

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