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S&R Reflection

Importance Of Writing Characteristics 

Rhetorical situation rises from a given context or Exigence. Some of the main chartericitics that build a rhetorical situation are Genre, Exigence, Purpose, Audience, Context, and the medium used to communicate. My essay is an informational and persuasive piece of writing. This is because I am discussing what hysteria is, the impostance of it, and specific stories about hysterical patients. The genre of my essay is also persuasive because I am backing up my claim, hysteria is an alarming illness, by using evidence from lectures and the experience of a hysterical patience. Furthermore, we had 2 prompts to write about but I chose to write about the way doctors treat hysterical patience because I want to raise awareness on the importance of hysteria and that it shouldn’t be underestimated. I was excited to write about this topic because anyone that reads my essay will understand the danger of mistreating mentally ill patients. Also, It will hopefully change their prespective on how they view mental ailments which is my goal.

Furthermore, Knowing your audience while writing helps you get you message through. My audience were family members and doctors. I wanted to make doctors understand that their ignorance can cause someone else to suffer. Not understanding what their patients go through is a huge mistake they should admit to rather than mistreating them. My audience were also family members because they also play a main role in the life of mentally ill relatives. I want them to understand that just because they’re physically okay doesn’t imply they’re mentally healthy so being supporting instead of mocking them would be a huge step to the patient feeling better. . In addition, writing about this topic not only makes me a writer but also one of the audience. This is because I didn’t understand hysteria before I wrote this essay as much as I do now. It makes me prepared to support anyone around me that’s suffering from mental ailments. Therefore, me and my audiance were both informed in order to be well perpapred to support ourselves people around us.

Lastly, writing this essay helped me academically because of the peer review we did. I usually don’t analyze my evidence well so having one of my classmates point it out for me was very helpful. My writing also improved grammatically and the use of transitional words also upgraded. Most importantly, the use of quotes, how it should be cited, and realizing the importance of short quotes that concisely support my thesis rather then “floating quotes” that didn’t support my thesis.